On the occasion of the release in theaters of the highly anticipated film Diabolik, directed by the Manetti Bros with Luca Marinelli, Miriam Leone and Valerio Mastandrea, we present the new version of Diabolik's knife, one of the most loved figures by fans of noir comics. Created in collaboration with the Astorina publishing house, we offer the new official "replica" version of the famous Throwing Knife of the King of Terror.
The new “999 \ LG Diabolik” throwing knife in special edition, replica features and style of the knife drawn in the original comic strips. Unlike the model made for the previous 50th, we have made some important changes. Like the logo of the anti-hero, Diabolik, in 24k gold on the knife blade and the elegant walnut handle.
100% made in Italy in Maniago.
Oggetto davvero bello, da collezione, spedizione veloce, negozio affidabile.